blue nocturne (e)
Here are "paintings" that I just fabricated or "mixed" to add to blue nocturne (e)'s color palette. These "palette paintings" have...

blue nocturne (e)
blue nocturne (e) (24" x 24") should be completed in the next few weeks. I think that this "might" be the last in this series, at...

Nocturne. Violet. Green.
Nocturne. Violet. Green. arrived at Gallerie Citi today! The painting just needs to be uncrated and hung up on a wall for the opening of...

nocturne. violet. green.
I am so proud to present nocturne. violet. green. Next step is to ship it to Gallerie Citi, in Burlingame, California, for a show...

nocturne. violet. green.
Just finished nocturne. violet. green. Here are the final components that complete this painting.