Gray with Blue Quadrants
Gray with Blue Quadrants. In this painting I explored using rectangular shapes in the paintings I created for palette-triangles. Shapes...
New Painting
Here is an image of a new painting that I have been working on. It follows the last three paintings in feel--more open space with...
Gray with Blue, Green, and
This image was taken on 6 November. Gray with Blue, Green, and was still in progress. It would take until the end of the month to...
New Painting
Just starting to assemble a new painting. Creating the palette-triangles are the first step in how a finished painting will look. So for...
Harmony in Green
Harmony in Green (30" x 10") is not just a "green" painting. Green is pervasive, and balances other colors. Sections of Harmony In Green...
Nocturne at One
This is an image of Nocturne at One taken around mid-January. If you go to the previous post you will be able to see how the painting has...
Blue/Green with Stripes and Companion
Blue/Green with Stripes and Blue with Stripes are seen here side by side as companions.
Blue/Green with Stripes
Thinking more about stripes. Blue with Stripes and Blue/Green with Stripes -- stripes used in these two paintings are like pinstripes on...
Blue with Stripes
Blue with Stripes is made up of contrasting color stripes on a ground of blue. The stripes create a rhythm of their own, receding and...
Blue with Stripes
Here is a detail of a new painting, Blue with Stripes, that I have been working on for the last few months. For this painting the...