Gold with Quadrants
Here is a detail of painting in progress, Gold with Quadrants. In this painting I am using permanent gold ink. "Gold" is used as a...

Two Paintings Sold
Two paintings, Umbra (left) and Nocturne at One (right) just sold! This is especially significant since they sold during this very...

Silver-Gray, with Ocher, Blue, and...
Silver-Gray, with Ocher, Blue, and was completed last month and shipped to Andra Norris Gallery along with Gray, with Blue, Green, and....

Gray with Blue, Green, and
Gray with Blue, Green, and is finished! The linear vertical gray areas and the "blobs" of blue, green, and other colors create pulses of...

Gray with Red and Blue
The "new painting" is now titled "Gray with Red and Blue." When I started this painting I had no idea how it would look. The...

Harmony in Green
Harmony in Green (30" x 10") is not just a "green" painting. Green is pervasive, and balances other colors. Sections of Harmony In Green...

Nocturne with White
This painting now has a title: Nocturne with White (20" x 20"). Here, as with the previous painting, Nocturne at One, I am experimenting...

New Painting in Progress
Started a "white" painting (20" x 20") the beginning of April. Should be completed by end of the month so it can be included in Andra...

Nocturne at One
This is an image of Nocturne at One taken around mid-January. If you go to the previous post you will be able to see how the painting has...

New Painting: Nocturne at One
Nocturne at One (30" x 30") is an intense cobalt blue. I began the painting at the center. From there, the painting will continue to...