Three Paintings on Exhibit
Melange I, II, and III are now showing at Andra Norris Gallery -- Stroke of Briliance--30 March through 3 May. The three Melange...

In White
In White (30" x 30"), is the newest of my paintings. It is the closest that one of my paintings is white. Nevertheless, it is still...

Whisper is the most recent painting completed. It is 30" x 30", using strips of palette-paintings created specifically for Whisper. When...

Melange iii
Melange iii is the most recent work created using strips sourced from other of my paintings.

Rose Violet Blue
Rose Violet Blue (24" x 24"). Color is determined by the colors created in the "original palette-triangle" paintings. Each original...

Rose Violet Blue
What you see is the center of the painting Rose Violet Blue, in progress (begun in early June). Depending on the movement of lines and...

Quadrants Ephemeral
Irene Zweig Quadrants Ephemeral (24 x 24 inches)--about another two weeks and I will be finished with this new painting. Quadrants...

Quadrants' Quadrille
Irene Zweig Just completed the second phase of Quadrants' Quadrille. "Phases" are times when a section of a painting is completed and...