Here are the boards for a new two-panel painting (to total 31 1/2" x 31 1/2"), that has been commissioned. The panels are specially made...
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Composition. Yellow. Blue. is no longer in progress, but is done! 41" x 41" in two panels, mixed media assemblage. Next week,...
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Last week I finished Composition. Yellow. Blue. On the left is the space for the last two triangles. And below, the last two triangles...
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Composition. Yellow. Blue. is almost complete. Here is a recent image taken in my studio.
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
The day was reserved for affixing palette-triangles--an extended process, but that is its beauty. It is the time to see and understand...
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Just affixed this last batch of palette-triangles. Palette-triangles are purposely selected, and each is purposely placed. Each...
Composition. Yellow. Blue.
Up until now, I had a general idea how Composition. Yellow. Blue. would develope. But that "general idea" was becoming vague. So here is...
Composition in Yellow (working title)
Composition in Yellow (working title) is now about 1/4 completed. Because there are many loose palette pieces, it is necessary to work...
Composition in Yellow
Composition in Yellow is made of two parts (total surface area: approximately 41" x 41"). Instead of working from one edge to another, I...