Quadrants' Quadrille
Irene Zweig Just completed the second phase of Quadrants' Quadrille. "Phases" are times when a section of a painting is completed and...

New Title: Quadrants with Tendril
Quadrants with Tendril is the result of 10 months of intense creation. The painting began with a red/crimson section at the top. While...

Silver with Blue Quadrants, and Red
Here is an image of Silver with Blue Quadrants, and Red (6' w x 3' h) in three panels (2' w x 3' h). As palette-triangles are placed...

Silver with Blue Quadrants, and Red
Here is a small detail of the painting I am now working on, Silver with Blue Quadrants, and Red. This is a challenging painting since --...
Gold with Quadrants
I have been using different inks and have found that, for now, lines made with permanent inks work best since once they are dry, paint or...

Gold with Quadrants
Here is a detail of painting in progress, Gold with Quadrants. In this painting I am using permanent gold ink. "Gold" is used as a...

Gray with Blue Quadrants
Gray with Blue Quadrants. In this painting I explored using rectangular shapes in the paintings I created for palette-triangles. Shapes...

New Painting
Here is an image of a new painting that I have been working on. It follows the last three paintings in feel--more open space with...

Silver-Gray, with Ocher, Blue, and...
Silver-Gray, with Ocher, Blue, and was completed last month and shipped to Andra Norris Gallery along with Gray, with Blue, Green, and....

Gray with Blue, Green, and
Gray with Blue, Green, and is finished! The linear vertical gray areas and the "blobs" of blue, green, and other colors create pulses of...